Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Celebration

At last, I find a moment to share with you a bit of the celebration we had on Memorial Day. We remembered and honored our veterans, some within our own family.

The day started with a small town parade. Our goal in picking up Boo from her last day of school, in driving all weekend, was to arrive in time for the parade. Not for its grandeur or amazement, but because it is a perfect size for kids.

And because I love a parade.

We drove to the town center and set up chairs by the firehouse. My high school alma mater marching band performed some stirring patriotic marches. I actually teared up with all the pride, nostalgia and tradition my kids were experiencing.

We waved at a distinguished collection of veterans, some escorted in classic cars, while a WW-II era plane made passes over the crowd.

Dance troupes and scout packs walked behind the veterans, throwing candy at the children. My kids came home with more candy than they are allowed to collect on Halloween.

I bet you can guess their favorite part of the parade.

The cavalry and a selection of emergency responder vehicles were also in attendance, which Rooster appreciated.

The whole thing was over by 10am. That is just the right size for a kid friendly event.

We had clouds and rain from noon to 3, but then everything cleared off just peachy for a picnic with some members of my extended family. Our first full day in town was full of fun new memories and a cementing of tradition.

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