Some chapters don't really end the story, but set up what's about to happen in a coming chapter. In my life, the last three months have served as the end of one of those kind of chapters. At the end of that chapter I was confessing the start of "Funk Phase." I never intended to follow it up with 3 months of silence, but that's exactly where I have been. Today I start in again with fighting off the Funk, so I declare it the beginning of a new chapter.

The housework has been my demon lately, constantly whispering my inadequacy at the simple routine of keeping house. You are inconsistent, undisciplined, and lazy, that nasty little voice tells me. And it weighs me down.
Today I am armed with a schedule, and determination to succeed; for the discipline required to keep up with dishes, laundry and clutter will serve well and extend to other areas. Areas such as blogging, pursuing freelance work, and more.

The "more" is actually what's motivating me to cast off the Funk. Boo has recently requested that I homeschool her. If that's the best education option for her, I would love to do it. However: I can research it to my heart's content, but I will not get a signoff from the Captain unless I can develop that discipline. I simply have to demonstrate to him and to me that I can manage this household. After that, we can make a decision one way or another.
So, praying for help from above, I am trying to build a routine into my so-flexible schedule. I've got tasks to do each day to keep up with the house. As for writing, I want to make an entry every day in February, feel free to call me on it if you see me start to miss days. They may not all be publication worthy, and some may just be photo posts, but the act of writing something each day will help me on the road to my greater goals.
Now, I've gotta get moving... it's time for another load of laundry, then lunch with my sweet Lulu before going to pick up the Rooster from preschool.
Oh my gosh-it is a little scary how much I can relate to this entry! I also struggle with being a good housekeeper, and I thought just about EVERYONE else had a clean, manageable house, other than me. So, thank you for your honesty! And please let me know what you find that works for you.....I'm struggling, and trying to improve, and honor God with my time and efforts. I know God can empower us to this!