What magic draws us to the fireworks show every America's Birthday? When I logged on to Facebook tonight to upload my photos of the day, several friends had been posting all evening about their various fireworks experiences.
I was sad to hear that one fallout of the global economic meltdown forced many small municipalities to cancel their fireworks shows this year. Apparently North Canton came close, but the Jaycees managed to pull it off.

Our small town display was adequate. We agreed that while it's not the best ever, it's also very possible to park within a couple blocks, arrive late, and tote along a handful of kids, including two newborns.
I enjoyed the bombs with some degree of distraction, while tending to Lulu and experimenting with settings on my camera. But the last minute, oh that grand finale just demands every ounce of my attention.
If I get to feel the bombs bursting all the way to the core of my body cavity, and witness the glorious spiderweb aerial display only once a year, then I will savor every moment.

I will spare a moment to reflect on the wars that have been fought, the blood that has been shed, and the lives that have been given to birth this great nation. She may struggle with living up to her potential, but don't we all?
Happy Birthday, America.
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