After 200 entries, I am ready to move the furniture around a little. Throw open the windows and let in some fresh air.
Life in Texas was started in 2007 as a way to share my new life in Texas (go figure) with my friends all over the country, including photos of the growing kids. Then I got some good feedback that friends liked what I had to say, and have since begun using this place to hone my writing. In addition, my photography skills have improved along the way. Those are good purposes, but I realize they have become secondary to my ultimate goal.
My ultimate goal, thank you for asking, is to live every day in wonder, and bring my readers along for the ride. One thing I have learned is that while you may enjoy coming here and reading about ME (at least so I flatter myself), what you want to take away and what brings you back, is something for YOU! My blog then should function not as a diary, but as an honest reflection on the bits of wonder we find in our broken world and how those bits draw us to our universal purpose, to seek our Maker.
The more I think about it, I have been able to identify a couple key areas where I most experience, or most want to experience, the wonder of it all. From here forward, I will try to make each post relate to one of these topics. Of course I may add more topics as time goes on...
The Journey: Reflections on the wonder of God's work in my heart
Relationships: Insights and other things I have learned along the way
Body and Soul: Cool ideas and guides to make time in the kitchen more simple and meaningful
Original Green: Getting back to basics to live and conserve the way our Maker originally intended.
In addition, I find myself wanting to share some of the following:
Writing: Activities to get your brain moving
Meditations: Inspiring Scripture, Prayers, and Quotations
Reviews: of Books related to these areas. I might even sponsor a giveaway here and there!
Okay, this sounds ambitious. And truthfully, I think there is still some refining to be done. But it's a place to start the next chapter.
God reveals himself in everyday life, and allows us the privilege of sharing our discoveries of him with each other. As I grow and as this little corner of the blogosphere grows, I hope you find less about the mundane details of my life and more of what your soul needs.
Enjoy the fresh air.
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