Monday, May 17, 2010

Tiny Milestones

Rooster has a built-in milestone every May with his birthday coming toward the end of the month. But this year he got an additional reason to celebrate. In anticipation of beginning kindergarten in the fall, he got to "graduate" from his Mother's Day Out program last week. I love that the teachers took the time to make a deal out of this event. Not too big a deal; after all, we have to save the fireworks for later milestones, right? I felt this was done just right.

If I hadn't been feeling a bit sick from a sleepless night, I might have been more emotionally involved in the moment. My big achievement of the day was actually arriving on time. As it was, I survived the event tear-free.

But looking at the photos, I see a glimpse of the future, in which my gentle-hearted large-breed puppy grows into himself and graduates from my care.

I love that he is developing friendships. The kids at his MDO program are his world. It was fun to watch him interacting with them during and after the ceremony. It was also a good reminder that we are only dealing with preschool graduation.

The best part of the program, in my opinion, was when the kids sang a few songs. Since before his birth, my song for him has been "You are my Sunshine." It's the lullaby that comes to mind first whenever he wants a song. And had I been up to crying over it, I would have definitely welled up at the sweet rendition performed by Rooster and his class. It was the perfect touch to this well-done tiny milestone.

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