Monday, March 7, 2011

She Speaks 2011 :: To Equip, Empower, and Inspire

I can hardly believe registration is live.

The day I discovered She Speaks in 2008, I drew in a reverent breath and thought, "This was made for me!"

My heart's desire has always been to equip, empower and inspire others to take a step in their spiritual journey. In 2008, I was first spreading my wings as a writer; beginning to understand my obsession with words as a God-given impulse, designed to be used as a ministry tool.

The She Speaks conference exists to equip, empower and inspire women as speakers, writers and Christian leaders, so they can better encourage others in their spiritual journey. It seems a perfect match.

The timing was not quite right, however. Nor was I really ready. But I have watched, and waited, and hoped each year that my time would come soon. Similar to getting a passport before having a travel date, I read MaryBeth Whalen's "For the Write Reason" as preparatory material. I submitted and had an article published via Proverbs 31's website in October 2009.

In three years I have grown as a writer; as a mother; as a wife; as a friend; as a member of my local church body; as a child of God. The need to speak my mind has been slowly replaced with a need to speak His mind. Followed by a deeper need to seek His mind, for only then do I have any wisdom worth sharing.

Last fall, just weeks after the 2010 conference, my husband and I agreed that this would be the year. It will be my first conference, my debut, into a new career of writing and speaking to equip, empower, and inspire women in their spiritual journey.

The anticipation has continued to escalate as I attempt to use this year (now five months left!) to prepare myself as much as possible for this experience. It has given me a timeframe

to build my blog;
to dive into freelance writing opportunities;
to seek out speaking opportunities;
and even, scary enough, to put together a book proposal.

Today I submit my name into consideration for a scholarship to the conference. I am so excited to attend; to fellowship with peers in this world of Christian media; to learn as much as possible; and hopefully even to meet some of the people whose names and words I see online all the time.

A quick note to Lysa and your lovely team of judges: I am thrilled to have you here visiting my corner. May you continue to be richly blessed as you invest your energies into equipping leaders in Christian ministry. THANK YOU!!!

To be honest, I will attend this conference one way or another. I am about to complete my registration, begun Friday but tabled while I prayed over the breakout session choices. I already have enough affirmation to stand tall and know my calling as a writer. My husband supports me in this financial commitment.

But oh, how sweet to add the blessing of a scholarship to a weekend full of even half what this conference promises to hold.

Do you need something to equip, empower, and inspire you as you attempt to follow God's call toward writing or speaking ministry? Check out She Speaks, and let me know if I might see you there!

She Speaks Conference


  1. AWESOME,girlfriend!!! I can't wait to meet you there! I so connect with your heart, I am doing the exact same things you're doing on your "list"! Just shows the power of the Spirit of God working in our hearts. You go, girl! I am proud of you for stepping out and making that bold declaration!!!!! Blessings to you...keep your eyes fixed on Him and He will lead you!!!

  2. That is an awesome post! Good luck to you! Whether through a scholarship or sponsorships, I will also be attending and writers like you make me giddy with anticipation!!

  3. Hi, I am droping via She Speaks, I am Deborah and I am on a mission to meet as many Christian women with a heart for God I can.
    Wish you Blessings and Luck!
    Hope you will stop by and get to know me too!
    Many Blessings, Deborah

  4. I, too, have read Marybeth Whalen's "For the Write Reason." It is an awesome book, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is feeling called to write.

    May God bless you as you serve Him.

  5. Hey friend! Thank you so much for sharing this opportunity with me. I love this entry...especially this part "The need to speak my mind has been slowly replaced with a need to speak His mind. Followed by a deeper need to seek His mind, for only then do I have any wisdom worth sharing." So awesome!!!

  6. Awesome post, Krista! I second the lines Michelle quoted of yours. I was about to reference those same lines! I love that necessary evolution you've taken. It's very similar to mine, though I know I'm still evolving and will be until Christ's return!

    I keep getting more and more excited about She Speaks!

  7. Mary Beth's book is great. One of the first I read when I decided speaking might be my calling. Great post and you are a great writer. Hope to see you there!


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